Swiss Smile
whitening zahnpasta & vitalisierende kräuterzahnpasta
(437 Feedbacks)
Pure whitening power - for radiant teeth The exclusive whitening formula of swiss smile whitening toothpaste makes your teeth more radiant without the risk of abrasion. This scientifically proven advantage is based on a sophisticated combination of active ingredients that removes and permanently prevents discoloration without attacking the teeth.Teeth thus gently regain their natural smile whitening toothpaste is suitable for regular, daily use because it contains no aggressive cleaning agents or bleaching agents. As a result, discoloration and tooth deposits can be permanently prevented. RDA: 90 (medium) Pure herbal power - for healthy gums Swiss Edelweiss paired with Echinacea, tea tree oil and chlorophyll. These valuable essences in high concentration pamper your gums and make swiss smile vitalizing herbal toothpaste a reliable protector of your oral health. The swiss smile vitalizing herbal toothpaste has a natural antibacterial effect and regenerates the bacterial balance in the oral cavity. It can thus prevent inflammation. Edelweiss bio-flavonoids are able to neutralize free radicals, echinacea has a cleansing, strengthening and thus health-preserving effect. RDA: 60 (low)
CHF 32.90 / 75 ml
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